VIRTUITALY is a startup company, born as a Centrica spinoff with the aim of enhancing the Italian cultural and creative heritage and creating interactive and immersive virtual exhibitions: cultural events with a great emotional impact and both educational and entertainment value.
cultural events with a great emotional impact and both educational and entertainment value
New approach to edutainment through an installation oriented to sensoriality and playful-didactic experience using innovative and proprietary technologies.
VIRTUITALY is aimed at a transversal public and aims to involve the general public: families, schools (primary, secondary, secondary), universities, art, technology and digital humanities.
Digital technologies and interactive systems, the scientific content and cultural fruition are integrated and implemented with attention to the emotional aspects, in order to build a fulfilling and formative activity.
Cultural events with a great emotional impact and both educational and entertainment value
Inside the painting
``It seems to be in the picture. Being digital, we can have an amplified experience`` Rai Radio Due